Saturday, July 30, 2011


So, why exactly am I starting this blog?
     Face it, we all have money issues. It doesn't matter who you are, with the state of the economy, just about everyone has some sort of financial problem, and don't know what caused it. 
     However, there are a few people that actually know how to fix it, or at the very least, how to make a dollar stretch. The problem is, most of the people that know are either not telling, or want you to cough up some of your hard earned cash that you probably don't even have in the first place, because, if you did, then you wouldn't be looking for help in the first place, right? I mean, if you are going to their site or watching their adds because you are having money problems, then how in the world would do they expect you to be able to shell out ten, twenty, or sometimes even fifty bucks to pay for whatever the scammers are trying to sell you?
     Yes, I did just call them scammers, because that is exactly what they are. You see, I hold these ridiculous people at about the same place in my twisted little mind as I do the same people that try to sell those jerks that start fake charities on street corners and the people that try to sell 'get rich quick' ideas to people for 'just four easy payments of $79.95!'. 
     Seriously? Do I really look that stupid to you? Maybe it really is time that I change my wardrobe. I mean, if people think I would fall for something like that...
     Anyway, the point is, most of us have absolutely no idea how to fix our financial problems, or even how to make a dollar stretch for a really long time when we really need it to. 

That is why I decided to start this Blog.

     You see, I realized that everyone either just wants your money, or are just wasting your time all together by never giving you any information that could actually be helpful in any way, shape, or form, and on the rare occasions that they do, they want you to click a million and one links on their site that just opens up adds or lead to more dribble that says the exact same things.
     They either say: 'Click this', 'Click here', 'Click on the adds', 'Completely one of the offers below', 'Donate', or 'please order this subscription so that we can get into your bank acount or onto your credicard and suck all the money out of you that you don't technically actually have so that you wind up even more in the hole then you already are'... 
     Ok. So, maybe that last one was a little exaggerated, but, sadly, not by all that much in some cases. The point is, you don't have to do any of that here. Everything is already accessible to you. Sure, there isn't a whole lot of content on it right now, but I plan to add more and more to it over time as I get more things to add, (Either by you guys sending things in to me, or by my experience and research)

The point is, if you're looking for some ideas on how to stretch your budget, or you are trying to figure where everything went wrong, while my blog might not be a huge source for information, it is a free one that, hopefully, has some information and ideas in it that might be able to help.

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